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Monday, July 1, 2013

Total Consecration: Day 19

Reading: Mark 8: 34-37

from St. Louis du Montfort: True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, #81

Many times does Jesus ask His disciples to follow Him.  But not just follow Him...but to give up everything to follow Him.  I mean, everything! Worldliness in the material things, and worldliness in the interior things of the heart.  Jesus invites us to love as He loves...which is totally and completely and we can't do that unless we devote ourselves totally and completely.

The whole idea the past few days has been the knowledge of self and ridding myself of being inward-looking.  That my focus and direction should be on heaven to share in God's love perfectly, even if it costs me my comfort, luxuries, and yes...even my life.

Yesterday on Facebook, I posted this grateful post:
Grateful Status Day 259: for the blood of the martyrs, especially in our modern era and for joyful hope despite it all
St. Teresa Benedicta (aka Edith Stein, Catholic woman feminine genius) and St. Maximilian Kolbe (priest who offered to take Jewish man's place) were executed by the Nazis by gas chamber. Blessed Miguel Pro (execution by firing squad photographed and popular image) and Blessed Jose Luiz (child tortured then stabbed) were executed by the Mexican government. Fr. Francois Murad beheaded by Syrian rebels.
And countless others. Fascinating.
Fr. Francois' beheading prompted me to think about others in recent history who have given up their lives at the hands of the world yet remained steadfast in their faith towards God.  It's truly fascinating because they provide real witness to what it means to be a disciple of Christ.

Do I cling to my wants and desires without keeping God's will in mind?  Do I daily take up my cross?

And a daily temptation is to make it easier on myself regarding carrying my cross(es).  I need to just man up and die to self and embrace my cross(es).

For every time I think/feel stressed at work, I must remember gratitude.

For every time that I despair in my future, I must be patient and open to God's will.

For every time that I really don't feel like doing something I ought to do, I must do it anyway.

Ad Jesum per Mariam,
- JD