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About Me

Howdy!  My name is JD, and I run this En Fuego blog, but most importantly--I'm Catholic of Filipino and Fightin' Texas Aggie flavor.

...actually, JD isn't my real name.  You can refer to me as "JR" and that's my real name if it were in the form of initials.

JD is my blog/pen name and it stands for Juan Diego, as in St. Juan Diego of Mexican fame.  He's my Confirmation patron saint!  I suppose that signing off each blog post as JD serves as a reminder of humility and that the focus shouldn't be on me...  and St. Juan Diego was but a humble man who is now well known for his obedience and trust for our Blessed Mother, who ultimately points us towards Jesus ("Do whatever he tells you" she once said at a hoppin' wedding party that ran out of booze...John 2).

I currently work as an engineer at a company that makes stuff, but in my free time I have somehow made volunteerism as my second job.  One time I tried taking over my parish's youth choir but ended up teaching high school religious education.  And now I teach Confirmation preparation classes as well as lead a high school post-Confirmation ministry that I used to be part of when I was in high school.  When I'm not living at my parish and helping out, I'm probably helping out my high school alma mater's band program as a band booster. Oh, and I have a cool chihuahua.

The views expressed on this blog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Catholic Church, where I volunteer. 

But I do sincerely care that I do, in fact, reflect the views of the Catholic Church.