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Friday, June 21, 2013

7 Quick Takes (Vol.9)

--- 1 ---
Something practical I learned from the YouTube is the Japanese art of efficient t-shirt folding.  I somehow came across it the summer before my first semester of college, and it definitely helped in folding my laundry.  I thought this was common knowledge since the video has millions and millions of views, but apparently I was wrong.

Here's the video:

And I say that because volunteering in ministry inevitably results in a myriad of t-shirts.  And perhaps this one time I obtained a t-shirt but couldn't wear it at the time so I folded it.  That inevitably resulted in others noticing how quickly the t-shirt ended up being folded.

Well then, I put my t-shirt folding sensei hat on...and passed on this wisdom.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.  Because volunteering in ministry, I should reiterate, inevitably results in a lot of t-shirts.  And the crowd is never the same.

It inspired this time attack run on folding a t-shirt (from Facebook):

Grasshoppers learn well.

--- 2 ---
I mentioned in my last Quick Takes about running a retreat.  Again, this retreat was focused on the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary.  These are the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan, the Wedding at Cana, the Proclamation of the Kingdom, the Transfiguration, and the Institution of the Eucharist.  We went through each of the Mysteries from Scripture using Lectio Divina to prayerfully reflect and contemplate what God wants us to know regarding each passage.  What's great about Lectio Divina is being able to really chew on the Word and let it marinate through reflection, response, and rest.  This spiritual exercise is also a good medium for journaling, and I issued our retreaters notebooks to respond to Scripture.

All in all...I'm quite pleased with the retreat.  Actually, I was kind of freaking out because I didn't give myself adequate preparation time and hammering down of concrete details.  Basically, the entire retreat was planned in like...a week's worth of time.  Sure, I had a template to follow from last time I ran one of these, and it was just a matter of plugging in the new elements.

But! Every time I make plans, God laughs.  The retreat didn't really go according to my outlined I just gave up using my schedule.  Haha.

Although I must was a great retreat.  I think the retreaters definitely got something good out of it.  Surprisingly, two of my young adult chaperones really got something out of it.  But, hey! I'm all for second-hand benefits/fruits when chaperoning a retreat.

Oh, and one thing I love about Catholic retreats?  You will never go hungry! We feed physically...and spiritually!  Friday night was pizza.  Breakfast Saturday morning was an array of regular, strawberry, blueberry, strawberry/blueberry pancakes with sausage. Lunch was make-your-own sandwich with legit deli meat.  Dinner was food from a local Italian restaurant. Mmm.

And oh, Mass had the Eucharist ;-)

--- 3 ---
Because I'm a busy Catholic, my next focus will be for an event next month.  My diocese holds an annual conference for youth in the summer, and last year I had the privilege of helping run a workshop on masculinity and authentic manhood.

I think I'm slated to help out with that same workshop again for this year, but I want to change it up.  I have an idea already...I just need to hash it out (with...#hashtags?!).

Even if I don't end up doing the very least, it'll make for a good blog post. :-)


--- 4 ---
This week's theme regarding work is: "Don't touch the restroom door handles."  On Wednesday, I happened to notice (more than usual) of other guys NOT washing their hands after using the facilities. Like, straight up from porcelain to door with no lay over at the sink.

Perhaps I'm a little more attentive now who does or does not wash their hands because of Kidd Kraddick's latest cause in promoting hand washing awareness. 

Gross to think about the lacking of washing...but my only consolation is a buildup of immunity. -___-

--- 5 ---
I thought that devoting some time for Total Consecration preparation would be more burdensome than I thought, but it really hasn't. I guess I've somewhat learned to cut out some unnecessary time spent on things, and this leaves enough room to sit down and reflect each night. 

It's going well.  So far I'm in the first twelve days, where the goal is to detoxify oneself from the ways of the world. I'm starting to be more attentive about the things that hold me back.

If you follow my blog directly or me on Twitter, you can immediately see when I post a daily reflection for each day of the Total Consecration preparation.

--- 6 ---
Google Reader is about to die in a few days. When I first heard about this months ago, I'm not gonna lie, I did in fact freak out.

Simply because Google Reader was my primary aggregation method of my growing list of Catholic blogs to follow. So I did spend some time seeking an alternative.  I think the read-a-holics of the Internet also freaked out and I found some useful lists of alternatives.

I tried one and liked it. It's called Feedly. What's nice is...they've made it easy for users to migrate their feeds from Google Reader to Feedly. For a long while, they were just echoing the content found on Google Reader's servers, but in the past week, they've actually migrated over to their own servers.

Annnndddd, now Feedly is web-accessible! No longer just an extension in browser and app!

I like it because it presents feeds in a nice manner and the app is pretty slick.  OH! And my favorite part, now that it has been implemented--it integrates with If This Then That!

Now, I am unstoppable. MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA.

Not really.

--- 7 ---
And for this weekend, I'm also busy.  Not a retreat this time.  I've been asked to lector at a friend's wedding at my parish.  I am honored! I guess my reading of the Word at Mass is good enough to do so at weddings!

But this wedding is kind of a big deal.  Simply because I know like...a big chunk of the family.  No there will not be 6 concelebrants this time...but the biggest deal of that I'll feel old.  Really old.  I taught the bride how to march with her clarinet like 10 years ago. And here we are. 

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

- JD