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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Total Consecration 2014: Day 28

John 1: 35-41

from Pope St. John Paul II:
Message from World Youth Day XII, 1996

"Behold, the Lamb of God"

That's all it took for John to say to his accompanying disciples in order for them to be curious enough to follow Jesus with him. They were seeking Rabbi...Jesus...God. Ultimately, He was seeking them.

I was a nominal Catholic that went through the motions growing up. It wasn't until I experienced Adoration for the first few times in early high school that I started slowly figuring out that wow...I really want to seek this Jesus that everyone talks about.

As my faith has matured since then, it's become even more and more obvious that it's not me who first seeks God. He seeks me first. And I guess knowing that, whether consciously or subconsciously, my response has been to seek Him all the more. And to stay with Him at His invitation, like the disciples and John.

I'm not looking for something. I'm looking for Someone.

I should take time in prayer to reflect on what I should do to further pursue and seek God on a deeper level than my current practice of prayer, receiving the Sacraments, and service to others. And then act on the fruits of that prayer.

I'll offer up my Rosary tonight for that.

Totus tuus,
- JD

Jesus identified by John the Baptist by Vannini // Wikipedia