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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Other Side: Meeting Two Angels

The other day I blogged about meeting Bobby and Jackie Angel. I mentioned how one of my former students, who is such a huuuuuuuuuuge fan girl, had the opportunity to talk to Jackie on the phone since she herself wasn't able to be there in person.

Well, she just blogged about it!

A snippet:
Not going to lie, I was quite jealous of all my friends who got to hang out, take selfies, and watch Jackie speak in the flesh, while I was stuck at home in bed with an injured foot. However, my day was made when one of the volunteers at my parish [hmm, I wonder who that is...], who was eating lunch with Jackie, texted me and was like "hey so can you talk on the phone right now? Jackie said she'd talk with you!" and I responded back with, "YES. OF COURSE" So later on after Jackie finished eating, she called me. I gushed to her about how big of a fan I was and how much a loved her, and she laughed and said thanks lol. I thought our conversation would just be a few minutes, because I figured she would just say hi and then hand the phone back. . . but I was pleasantly surprised when she asked me about where I'm going to college and what career I was interested in. I happily told her that I wanted to pursue a career in youth ministry and, God willing, become a traveling speaker just like her. She offered me some great advice and encouraging words that I'll hold onto as I pursue my dream. 
Read the rest here: A Wake Call From An Angel

I dig how Allie saw this opportunity as a wake up call of where she needs to be focused in her life, and it's a good reminder for even me as I read the rest of her blog post.

- JD