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Monday, February 25, 2013

What Is Love? An Example

I saw this video floating around the little slice of the Catholic blogosphere/Twitterverse that I happen to observe on a frequent basis.

What is love? Is it always about the romance and the feelings and emotions?  Maybe not.  Maybe it's more about desiring the good of the other.

And this short video sticks out to me moreso because wow--what a model of authentic masculinity!  If I allow myself to be too sold into the modern definition of masculinity, I find it really easy to be who I am not.

Lastly, one of the joys of being Catholic and single is that I get to reflect and ask myself some difficult-yet-necessary questions for marriage:  do I desire the ultimate good of my future wife? will I protect and provide for her? even if I don't feel like I love my future wife, do I still love her? am I the man God calls me to be, as He created me to be?

Who am I for my future wife?
- JD